Hell yeah! Love to game!
Currently working my way through *every single* race in Forza 3 just to get the last remaining achievement for the complete 1k gamer points... What can I say, I'm a junkie - I spent about hours just trying to get the drift achievement, it's a great way to while away the hours waiting for a Roc.
Multiplayer game of the moment is Battlefield Bad Company 2 which is far better than the excellent MW series IMO (as is the single player campaign).
*Highly* recommend Borderlands which I completed recently, esp. co-op.
STILL waiting for Amazon to deliver Red Dead Redemption which I've had on pre-order since March...

(certain synergy there with something else I've ordered but still waiting for!)
Deacon's right about the 360 though. Only real gaming machine out there...
Anyone else on here on Live? My gamertag is The Johnx (PM if you add me so I know you're legit!)