As many of you will be aware Cuba has a reputation for still having lots of old american cars on the road, this is because until recently they were not allowed to sell their car (or their house) and therefore had to look after them and keep them running and passing them down within their families. Our guide's father is still running a 1959 Vauxhall!
In Havana particuarly for every 10 cars there was probably 5 old american cars, 3 Ladas and 2 'modern' cars (still not completely up to date like you or I would think of as modern cars), outside of Havana the 'modern' cars were abit more common but equally there were other 'interesting modes of transport..
& so for some pictures
A typical view

Ladas were everywhere, even in stretch form

Walking down a side street, glance through a doorway & oh look a car museum!?!

In the centre of Havana, LOTS of old american cars with wannabe taxi drivers

& a train restoration yard.. no train tracks to be seen anywhere though.

The boy racer appears to be alive and well in Cuba..

just because its got a sticker saying it doesn't mean its fitted or that it is any good..

They are trying to restore some parts of old Havana, very very slowly..

some houses clearly had money, whereas others looked abit sad from the outside but were actually hidden gems if you got a peek inside the door

The interesting transport I promised (some serious debate going on over the donkey)

A fairly common street scene ... one of the cars was missing half its wheel nuts on just one side of the car (didn't dare look at the other side) & the other car had very little tread left on the tyres

One thing that was common all over Cuba was that almost every house was likely to be a shop of some sort, or a restaurant

even on the beach there were 'shops' & enterprising locals trying to make some cash..

Chicken man watching the world go by, saw 3 in one day in Trinidad (the town in Cuba not the island, they like to name their towns after other places in the world)

& well I had to spend some time on the beach